Saturday, January 21, 2012

Post-Christmas Drama Induces Shopping

Post-Christmas shopping has always been a love/hate relationship for me.
Once again getting to shop with nothing but my own selfish desires in mind is refreshing and much less stressful than attempting to guesstimate the wants of friends and family. However, after having divulged every last penny from my checking account prior to Christmas I find myself encountering serious buyers remorse after most purchases. "I should really be putting this back into savings" I tell myself, as the total dollar amount clicks upward on the cash register with every pair of shoes that passes over the scanner. 

The main times I find myself shopping lately are for a few simple reasons. 
1. Got a hot date-- obviously, I need a new LBD (little black dress)
2. Got a new job-- obviously, I need a new pair of gray slacks to reinforce how sophisticated I am. 
3. Got in a fight-- these new shoes, this new bedspread, and this cheeseburger will definitely make me feel better. And I guess I'll get this bottle of wine, in case that doesn't work. 

I am definitely an emotion-driven consumer. Maybe I should invest in a therapist instead-- it would probably be cheaper than all of my shoes. 

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